Tuesday, January 4, 2011

mc.ae-c.net:25565 - 'Extreme' - High buildings connected by Bridges, longer than usual nights

The strangest world we've been on so far

Tall buildings connected by bridges in the sky. A charred and irratiated surface far below. Ocean off to the distance with lit structures seemingly built far off at sea.

I guess the world will survive nuclear war. Life has found a way here on this extreme world. Quite literally living up in thier high towers away from the reality of the wasted earth below.

Just a heads up, we arrived at sunset, and stayed 48 hours with no sign of sunrise.

A strange anomaly. In this reality the planet could have had a vastly different early life. The spin of the planet is obviously slow here causeing the nights that go on for well over the normal cycle time. However judging by the presence of people on this world, this alteration must have happened very early in the earths history.

Another interesting note about 'extreme' for future expeditions. The government here is exceedingly hospitable despite the obvious history of the world. They will issue every citizen and traveller with an amount of free money to buy tools and food for thier surival.

'/buy diamondpickaxe'

Monday, January 3, 2011 -'Fayrock' - A modern town, economy run, with a frightening secret.

We'd prepared weapons this time but didnt need them, at least initially. We landed in the modern city of Fayrock, bordered by the town of Aiden.

Fayrock resembled our own cities, this was a relief. It had all the building types you would expect to find in a modern day london. We had a while on the timer this time and decided to stay the night in the hotel where we landed.

Some of the structures in the town stood out at second glance.

An arena where we expected to see sports of some kind, we soon found out was for bloodsport. As two combatants were forced into the ring together and made to fight for the amusement of the crowd it became clear that this version of our world wasnt as similar as it had appeared at first. We left, and headed back to the hotel where we found this:

The frightening situation we were in became clear, this world must be one in which the Germans had actually won the 2nd World War.

We couldn't leave for another 4 hours but it was becomming clear we had been noticed as outsiders and were being persued. We left the hotel and escaped into the bordering town, ''Aiden''.

In contrast to Fayrock, Aiden doesnt seem to be modern in any way. It also lacked the population of Fayrock. We hid out here and waited for the timer to reach 0 before leaving.

We learned alot here.

Saturday, January 1, 2011 - 'Paradise' - Post Griefing world. Lots of lag.

I didnt know exactly what to expect, but what I found apon arriving in 'Paradise' was shocking. Not perfect replica of our own, nothing like it infact.

We came out in the middle of a city. The buildings here look like they've been hit by an atom bomb here. Half burned cottages supplied me with the wood i needed to make basic tools for protection. There didnt seem to be any system of government left.

I met what must have been a survivor and it soon became clear that those responsible for the ravaging of this apparently once great city were called Griefers.

More shocking, they seem to have access to the same technology we have developed back home. The techology that got us here.

We had a while left to go. A few of us scavenged the countryside looking for someplace untouched by the griefers. There were loads of structures, none seemed to have been spared.

Some strange phenomena was observed moments before time ran out.

I wondered how many other worlds the 'Griefers' had affected. I sincerely hope that our world isnt the only exception to the rule.